Game Rules
# | Rules |
1 | Using third-party software or any unauthorized tools to gain an unfair advantage is strictly prohibited. |
2 | Automated gameplay, including the use of bots or scripts, is strictly prohibited. Creating low-level characters solely for the purpose of botting, or using more than the client limit to bot�especially in monster hunting is considered a serious violation. Such accounts will not receive a warning instead, they will be banned. A ban wave will be applied to all related characters involved in these activities. |
3 | Exploiting bugs or glitches to gain an unfair advantage is forbidden. Report any found exploits to the support team. |
4 | Participate in game activities fairly and do not sabotage or intentionally ruin events. |
5 | Do not impersonate other players, game staff, or any other person. |
6 | Using offensive or inappropriate language, including insults directed at parents and family, sexual harassment, racial or religious slurs, rude remarks, sarcasm, and provocations. |
7 | Spreading false or harmful rumors about the game is forbidden. |
*Failure to follow the rules will result in consequences, which may include negative gold/drop/exp debuffs, mute, or a ban ranging from 0 days to permanent.